NFH D-Mannose SAP 50grams


Annually, urinary tract infections (UTI) are responsible for more than 11 million physician visits in the United States. Although normally a commensal inhabitant of the intestinal and gastrointestinal tract of humans, Escherichia coli is the most common urinary-tract pathogen, whose overgrowth and over colonization accounts for 85% of UTI. Cranberries have been used as a medicinal agent for centuries to promote health, but recently the scientific literature has proven that proanthocyanidins, contained in cranberries, as well as a simple sugar, ?-mannose, specifically inhibit the adhesion and proliferation of E. coli in the urinary tract. Cranberry extracts and ?-mannose each independently inhibit one of two adhesion methods utilized by E. coli. Combined together in a synergistic and novel formula, D-Mannose SAP addresses both type-1 (FimH) and P-type fimbrial-mediated adhesion by E. coli to the urinary tract mucosa. D-Mannose SAP is specifically targeted for the treatment and prevention of E. coli UTI.

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